About me…

Greetings and salutations!

You have stumbled upon a blog of martial arts, food, nerdy culture (ALL of the nerdiness), and random musings that are the result of far too much time spent in a car. I’m Corey and my whole goal is to share those things in life that excite me, confuse me, and make me laugh really hard. Also, those things that I am trying to get published, thinking about getting published and maybe never getting published.

I have been in competitive martial arts since I was 9 years old.  I own a martial arts school the Black Belt Leadership Academy and my day job consists of running around on a padded floor and gesticulating wildly whilst teaching children and adults how to yell, stomp, look awesome, and cultivate some self-respect and self-confidence.

It’s basically the best job ever.

I also write as much as I can (not enough), try to read good books (definitely not enough), see my wife, and generally fill life to the bursting point with all the sparkly little awesome things that make it worth living. Y’know, like ice cream.

In between times, I travel all over the state, and often around the country and world, doing martial arts, photography, writing various things and occasionally doing something for the sheer joy of it.

For a listing of my thoughts, musings, ideas, and general life stuff, check out the “Blog” section above.

For stuff that I’m writing, have written, and am trying to convince myself to write, check out the “Writing” section.

Here’s to travel, food, plot, coffee, a whole lot of karate, and a wee bit of navel-gazing.



I have no idea what’s going to happen next!

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